Solid Software Templates - ImageEx and RichReport

Effective on September 1, 2015 the Solid Software Clarion templates are now LANSRAD products!

New versions of ImageEx and RichReport (with full support for Clarion 10) are now available!

After years of building our high quality imaging templates ( ProScan and ProImage ) with the proven and reliable ImageEx technology from Solid Software ( ), LANSRAD is proud to announce that both ImageEx and RichReport are now a part of the LANSRAD template family.

All sales, support and future development for these great products will now be by LANSRAD.


Product Overviews

ImageEx is the ultimate graphics and imaging toolkit for Clarion. It gives you everything you need to add professional strength image or graphics manipulation to your Clarion application.

“If you are a serious Clarion Developer and want to add real graphics and imaging capabilities to your programs – then this is one product that you can’t afford to miss!”

ImageEx can display images of 19 popular file formats and gives you more high performance graphics functions than any other 3rd party product. ImageEx is so powerful – yet very easy to use! All major classes have an accompanying set of templates that will allow you to use them without even writing a single line of code - the CLARION way of imaging. In fact, ImageEx is the only available graphics & imaging library exclusively written for Clarion!

Click here for more info or to purchase ImageEx.


RichReport is a class and templates set that allows printing of RTF text on standard Clarion reports. It is easy to implement and allows you to RTF-enable the reports in your applications without writing a single line of code! Even a beginner can add RTF printing to an application in seconds!

Click here for more info or to purchase RichReport.


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